Pat Byrge was here! Hooray! Pat joined us one dark and stormy night in Mazatlan while we were at anchor in the old harbor. When I left to pick her up at the airport we were battening down the hatches because it was reported, and I might add it appeared that a big blow was coming in. I drove the little dinghy that could over to the dinghy dock with waves crashing over the bow, thinking well this should be interesting on the way back. I had dry bags to put all of Pat's belongs into for the trip back to the boat. Ernesto met me at the dinghy dock and we went off to the airport to collect Pat. I told him I was very concerned about the evenings storm. His response was "what storm?" I explained the wind was blowing and the waves were crashing etc., He says look at me I'm in shorts and a t-shirt and it's hot "want a beer? yeah lets stop for a beer" there is "no problem!" At which point I starting looking out the window of the car and everything was calm, no wind, no clouds. I'm thinking twilight zone.
At the airport I introduced Pat to Ernesto! Come on Pat let's get into this guys car and go party! Well o.k. but who's Ernesto? Want a beer? Sure! So off we went to Joe's Beachfront for several buckets o'beer. Oh yeah, what about the storm? Like Ernesto said "No problem, there was no storm?" Eventually, we made it back to the dinghy dock and out to the boat. The Old Harbor and settled down while we were out on the town with Ernesto.
I was so thrilled to have another woman on board our boat! I was giggling so loudly the next morning I woke Doug up. He was like ahhh, girls....
I had told Pat to bring a book and whatever she wanted cause we were just going to relax. I'm not sure we ever actually had a day were we just relaxed. She arrived just in time for Carnival! and in a town like Mazatlan it goes on for days and there is lot's to see and do at all hours of the day and night.
We introduced Pat to Larry Zabel (SVPeregrine) out of Grand Marina in Alameda and Leo from (SVChatDeMer) they had come over from La Paz on SVChatDeMer to catch all the Carnival celebrations. Since I had been in Mazatlan for a while I took them on a collectiva bus ride all through town just for fun!