We have really been enjoying our time traveling North up into the Sea. We have been very diligent in trying to only move the boat North during fair weather. Doug is pretty much convinced that 27 knots of wind and big seas with white caps don't agree with me. It is pretty nice sailing in the warm weather -vs- San Francisco Bay. I feel like I've put my time in on the Bay.
We left La Paz on the 25th of April and headed over to Isla Espiritu Santo (the Caleta Partida anchorage). We tried to snorkel there but the wind came up and it got really, really choppy. Doug was able to go over the side and snorkel a little bit while I manned the dinghy with the dinghy anchor in the water so the boat would not blow away. He found a extremely photogenic puffer or box fish lair. The little fish came out and posed for him. We did not go ashore on this island but I hear that in one of the anchorages there is a grave (not on any maps), off the trail of a crew member from a Spanish ship that was really, really old.
The "boys" have the Maritime HF SSB radio's and set up "play times" on the radio. I remember when Gregg & Dillon had these walkey talkey toys and they were playing with them in the yard (Cause they weren't allowed to leave the yard). So I guess the saying of the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys is certainly true in this case. They try everyday and random times to call each other. Sometimes they are right next to each other and other times they are miles away. If something isn't just right they can spend hours troubleshooting what the problem could be. When I hear the guys on the radio I tell Doug his Hamsters want to play. I actually just figured out this morning that Doug's "Kenwood" radio is 2 radio's in 1. Yes folks, it's a Ham radio KJ6FZW and a Maritime Single Side Band WDA7388. You have to have the HAM license to transmit on the HAM frequency. Anyone on board can transmit on the Single Side Band, like the VHF radio. Call me a slow learner but then again I've been dog paddling in the deep end of pool folks.
We left Caleta Partida on April 26 and went to Everisto on the Baja Calif Sur. We only spent 1 night there and did a short dingy tour on the water. It was a pretty crowded anchorage and we did not want to get too far away from the boat. As it was during the middle of the night we swung around and I think I could hear Robert on Blue Dolphin snoring, at least Oscar was on watch in the cockpit! Blue Dolphin had crew on board. They where traveling with Erica and Oscar (brother and sister) from Columbia via Anchorage Alaska. They where born in Columbia but raised in Alaska and where on a epic bike trip South to Columbia. They are hoping to get to Columbia by September. They took a short trip on Blue Dolphin North just to check it out. They came on board in La Paz and left in Puerto Escondito to head South again. Their plan was to go back to La Paz and take the ferry over to Mazatlan, then South to Columbia. We will miss them they were really fun to have along.
April 27 we left Punta San Everisto and headed over to Puerto Los Gatos. This was a really tough anchorage to get into. There is a submerged reef that extends straight across the entrance of the anchorage. Blue Dolphin with their brand new $15K bottom job almost went aground here. He actually had to put the boat in reverse and back away from the reef. Oscar was on the bow and Manuel the fisherman was in his little panga boat yelling at Robert "Roca", "Roca!" Luckily they did not go aground. We were able to see and hear all the commotion and entered the anchorage with our forward looking sonar. We were able to anchor where no other boats dared to go because we could see the bottom. Of course Manuel the fisherman thought we were nuts! He kept saying "Roca", "Roca" to Doug. I asked Doug if he wanted me to translate that for him. He said he could not see any rocks on the forward looking sonar, so we stayed. Two days later when the wind shifted I saw the "Roca" Manuel was talking about and the boat just knugged the "Roca" boink. We were going to leave that day anyway and it looked like a fine time to get underway. We had been pretty busy at Los Gatos. Doug and Cathy scuba dived on the reef. Larry, Robert, Steve and I road around in dinks and just look over the side at the reef and fish. Larry actually went in but said the water was chilly. We hiked a little bit and had a beach potluck with a couple of other boats that happened into the anchorage. We met up again with "SVSapphire" and their buddy boat SVBliss. We first met them in Frailes in November.
April 29 we left Puerto Los Gatos and headed North. The weather got pretty ugly towards the afternoon time so we ducked into Agua Verde. Home of the goat cheese. We stayed there for a couple of days and met some more folks. Some we knew from other anchorages SVStrayCat, MV CarolineRob. We met the folks on SVIronMaiden, and SVNamaste. Most of the folks we met at this point where heading North to the Loreto Fest and all where anxious to get to the fest. We hung around and waited for a good weather window which did not come until May 1. We checked high and low in Agua Verde for goat cheese, I think it had all gone North to Puerto Escondito. Agua Verde was pretty and we will at some point go back there and check it out in more detail.
May 1 we left Agua Verde and headed up to Puerto Escondito. We met up with almost all the boats we have met during our voyage here in the Sea. At Puerto Escondito they have a mooring ball field and two other anchorages. So there is lot's of room for a whole bunch of boats. We also met a bunch of new folks which is always fun. We again ran into SVWindwardBound, we had met them in Mazatlan.
May 6 Bahia Ballandra on Isle Carman. We spend the night here with SVJessieGirl and SVMoonDance. Heading out for a hike today and waiting for Peregine to come into the anchorage sometime tomorrow. I already see lot's of flying insects that bite so it might be a short hike.
I got around to updating the blog today. I keep putting my nose into books and have to get to the end. Adelle I love all the books by Earlene Fowler and so does Doug!
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