When ever we are not on an island we try to take him for a stroll. I keep him away from the Mexican dogs as much as possible. I keep him on leash unless we are at a desserted beach, then it's time for a good game of "get you!" he goes nuts running all around the beach. He is loving the water, just runs right in to cool off. The other day we were snorkeling and Tucker was in the dinghy barking. I went over and grabbed him and put him in the water with me, with his life jacket on. He swam all the way to the beach no problem. Swimming back to the dinghy was a different story. He changed his mind about 1/4 of the way out to the dinghy and I think we both gulped a little salt water. He has also discovered the fan and likes to sit in front of it.
He also gets to go on other boats and loves to explore and check them out.
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